Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. This week doesn’t start very well. I got Covid from visiting a friend over the weekend so now I have to stay at home for the next 5 days in quarantine. Today, we are going to learn how to set up a popup form for your WordPress website using Mailchimp.


The popup form is designed to help you collect emails. On any website that you visit, you might see a form that pop up right in front of your screen asking you to sign up in exchange for free goodies. Popup form has three advantages:

  1. They can engage a visitor before they exit your site,
  2. They can be optimized to get in front of the most people
  3. They’re fully customizable


First, you need to create an account with MailChimp. Please feel free to click on that link because it isn’t an affiliate link since I am currently on Maipchimp Free plan.

Second, under Audience, select Signup Form

Next, select Subscriber Pop-Up

Next, design your form. Once you are done, select “Save” on the top right corner.

What you see next is below. This is the direction you need to make sure it runs on your site.

Once you have the code, the direction from MailChimp is: “You’ll need to add some code to the <head> of your website to get it connected

I search for a way to do this and I found the perfect answer from WordPress.com:

  • If you’re trying to add code to the header of your site, the instructions may vary, but it can usually be done the same way here at WordPress.com. Some places will explain that it should be added between <head> and </head> while some will suggest using a theme editor or adding to the HTML header.
  • The reason these codes are added to the header is so that the code shows on every page and post of your site.
  • We recommend using a plugin to do this, such as the Insert Headers and Footers plugin.
  1. Install and activate the free Insert Headers & Footer plugin or a similar plugin of your choice.
  2. Go to Settings → Insert Headers & Footers.

Paste the code into the Scripts in Header box and click Save.

Once you are done, select “Check the Connection” from MailChimp and this is what you should see:

I hope you find this article helpful.

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